Teaching Resource External Web
The Connected series has been a core part of the literacy resources the Ministry of Education provides for years 4–8 ākonga (curriculum levels 2–4). The Connected series now supports Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories within The New Zealand Curriculum. A new series – He Kōrero Tātai – supports Te Takanga o Te Wā within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Connected supports Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories as well as inclusion and wellbeing within integrated literacy programmes. Alongside Connected, He Kōrero Tātai is a new publication that supports Te Takanga o Te Wā.
Connected is distributed to all English-medium schools and He Kōrero Tātai is distributed to Māori-medium kura and schools. Copies of both Connected and He Kōrero Tātai can be requested from Down the Back of the Chair.
All Connected and He Kōrero Tātai articles are also available as beautifully designed Google Slides with embedded audio.
One article in each book has additional digital content. Each article has teacher and kaiako support materials available online.
- Level 2: Ki te hoe! – Let’s get going!
- Level 3: Ka ora kāinga rua – A new beginning
- Level 4: He māpihi maurea – A prized possession